Building the Action-Habit

Building the action comes from your pleasure centers.  In this video I share a strategy to help you propel your action-habit so that your behaviours are consistent and repeatable.  Check it out.

How to Make $100,000 This Year

In this post I’ll share how I made over $100,000 in 2011 and how you can do the same this year. Last year was the first time I made over 6-Figures in a single year.  It was quite an accomplishment considering the global financial meltdown.  That being said, you might realize by now that I…

5 Shocking Scientific Discoveries of The Human Heart

Shocking discoveries about the Human Heart. I watched a really cool documentary that shares some inspiring and mind blowing discoveries about the human heart. Check it out.

How Limiting Beliefs Are Formed

This is a 30 minute interview I did with Teri Williams – The Bliss Lady.  In the interview I dive into a few topics mainly about money and how limiting beliefs are formed.  If you’re looking to create an abundant vibe and expand your current wealth and prosperity, you’ll definitely gain something of value from…

What Makes Us Happy?

Three factors that make us happy. I share the results of a study about what makes us happy. If you really enjoyed this video, be sure to let me know in the comments below.