How to Stop Negative Thoughts and That Little Voice In Your Head

Have you ever started a new project where you were really excited and the people in your life could sense your enthusiasm? You were completely inspired and motivated.  Things couldn’t be better – you felt like this was what you were meant to be doing. Then “WHAM-O,” you hit a brick wall.  Something you didn’t…

How to Develop Self Belief and The Magic of Believing

The magic of believing is a double edged sword.  You may have heard of people speaking about the importance of being hopeful and having faith in your dreams, to believe in the unseen. There is some truth in those statements, but ultimately you still have to “see it to believe it.” So how do you…

3 Questions to Identify Self-Sabotage

“A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how, by his own thought, to derive benefit from his illnesses.” ~ Hippocrates One way to take notice of your own self-sabotage is by becoming aware of physical pain.  Physical discomfort is caused by disharmony in the human mind; either…

How to Create Belief (Illusion of Truth Effect)

If you could completely reshape your beliefs, would you?  This is one of the simplest and most effective methods for creating belief.  The Illusion of Truth Effect has been used by all personal growth giants and is one of the most commonly understood success secrets to goal setting.  It takes you less than five minutes…

3 Steps to Uncover Your False Beliefs

This is the last of three videos on uncovering false beliefs. In this video we’ll go through a simple 3 step exercise to bring your unconscious blocks to the surface. Once you do this you can then re-evaluate them and decide who you really are. Here are the three steps I’ll cover in the video:…

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